

Anime News Daily - February 08, 2025

Today's Anime News Roundup Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU Anime Film Reveals New Trailer and Hello, World Music Video The latest update on the highly anticipated anime film, "Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU," has sent ripples of excitement through the anime community.

Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU Anime Film Reveals New Trailer and Hello, World Music Video

The latest update on the highly anticipated anime film, "Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU," has sent ripples of excitement through the anime community. With the release of a new trailer and the captivating "Hello, World" music video, fans are eagerly anticipating the immersive experience

Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU Anime Film Reveals New Trailer and Hello, World Music Video

NHK to Air Anime "About the Movement of the Earth" from 11:45 onwards! Don't Miss It!

NHK is set to captivate anime enthusiasts with its upcoming broadcast of "Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite," a series that delves into the intriguing realm of the Earth's movements. Scheduled to air from 11:45 onwards, this show promises to offer a unique perspective on our

NHK to Air Anime "About the Movement of the Earth" from 11:45 onwards! Don't Miss It!

The Too-Perfect Saint: Tossed Aside by My Fianc and Sold To Another Kingdom Anime Announces 6 New Cast Members in Latest Trailer

Fans of the upcoming fantasy romance anime, "The Too-Perfect Saint: Tossed Aside by My Fianc and Sold To Another Kingdom," have reason to celebrate as the series recently unveiled six new cast members in its latest trailer. Scheduled to premiere in April 2025, this highly anticipated adaptation is

The Too-Perfect Saint: Tossed Aside by My Fianc and Sold To Another Kingdom Anime Announces 6 New Cast Members in Latest Trailer

HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle- Interactive Anime Film Shares Trailer for MAD TRIGGER CREW's "Second Stage" Track

The latest buzz in the anime world revolves around the upcoming interactive film of "HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle-," which has just unveiled a tantalizing glimpse of the "Second Stage" track by MAD TRIGGER CREW. The film promises an immersive experience for fans, blending rap battles and

HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle- Interactive Anime Film Shares Trailer for MAD TRIGGER CREW's "Second Stage" Track

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